It’s fast, easy, and effective to set your own customized Facebook Business Page Url (Vanity Url) in 2021
In this step-by-step tutorial, I’ll show you exactly how to create your own customized Url. You’ll find text and screenshots below the video.
But first, what is a customized Url?
By default, your business page url will look like this: 1687261971553601/
No one is ever going to remember that! And, it just doesn’t look professional.
Wouldn’t you rather have it look like this? jacoblemarketing
It’s clean, professional, and easy to remember. Lovely.
You typically need 25 likes on your page to claim your vanity url.
Luckily, 25 likes is pretty easy. Invite any friends and family members that would be interested in your page and the type of content that you’ll be posting. This shouldn’t take more than a day or two! Occasionally they let you claim the url with less than 25, but you shouldn’t expect that to happen.
Do you have your 25 likes on your page? Move on to the next step.
Claiming the Url is so easy
Step 1: Go to your Facebook Business Page and click on the “About” section.
It’s over to the left right after “Photos.”
Step 2: Under the “General” section, Username is the 3rd choice. Click “Edit”.
Step 3: Type in the exact username that you want. You can’t use a username that someone else is already using. Then click the blue box that says “Create Username”.
Make sure you claim your name before someone else takes it! Try and make it match your business name if possible. If you like, you can also do a shortened version of your business name. For example, @JacobLEVdieo instead of @jacoblevideoproduction. Personally, I like using the exact business. It’s easy to remember and it’s clean.
That’s it! You did it! Super simple, right?
You are a rockstar! You now have your own custom url. It looks clean and professional. I actually put my url on the back of my business card to make it easy to visit and find:
Conclusion: You claimed your business name on Facebook.
You look so much more professional now. You have a fancy vanity url, people can easily search for you and find your business name. Life is good.
What’s next?
Did you know I actually did an entire course on Facebook marketing? It will take you from beginner to expert in just 2 hours AND it’s completely FREE! Check it out here
If you want to understand why you should be advertising on Facebook, watch this video –
And if you are a business owner, you need to take a look at my tips for business owners and entrepreneurs!
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