What Senior Entrepreneurs Need to Know About General and Video Marketing

In the age of technology, people are finding it easier to start their own businesses and become their own bosses. People have more access than ever before to resources and clients via the internet, and they are using these things to their advantage. People all over the world, of all different ages and backgrounds, are becoming entrepreneurs; in fact, one demographic of entrepreneurs that are using the internet to their advantage is seniors.

Seniors, or those over the age of 60, finally have the ability to turn their ideas into a reality and a successful business. Not only does the internet assist seniors in creating a client base and getting the resources they need, but they also have the ability to market their business like never before. Instead of spending money to hire a marketing team, senior entrepreneurs can market their business all on their own after doing some basic research.

If you are a senior entrepreneur that wants to learn some basic marketing strategies, this post will detail some general and video marketing tips to help you get started.

General and Video Marketing Tips

General marketing tips can be easy to learn and incorporate into your business. In fact, some general marketing tips are so easy, that they can be learned by senior entrepreneurs that utilize independent senior living in NJ. With that being said, here are some general and video marketing tips that senior entrepreneurs should know.

Optimize User or Client Experience

This is crucial in marketing your business, you should constantly be doing all that you can to optimize and enhance your user or client’s overall experience. Ask for customer feedback and pay attention to any issues you notice. For example, if you are selling something online and you notice that customers are having a hard time navigating your website or accessing information, address this issue right away. Or, in regards to any videos, you may post, make sure that they load easily and the content addresses any issues or questions that your clients may have.

Optimize Videos with SEO

SEO, search engine optimization, is a marketing strategy that can help your business thrive via the internet. In regards to videos, SEO can help your content rank higher on the search engine results page and can help you get more traffic/viewers, thus more business. There are a variety of SEO strategies that can help optimize your business’s videos, such as:

  • Keyword research
  • Link building campaigns
  • Update page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs
  • Create customized content
  • Create a blog

SEO is complex and may take some time, however, the results will be with it

Create a Schedule of When to Post

When it comes to marketing your business, especially online, it’s important to stay organized, so it will be beneficial to you to create a schedule of when to post content, new products or services, and videos. Your viewers or customers will expect to see regular updates so it’s best to follow a planned out schedule rather than posting at random. Not only will this help you know when to post and help you stay on top of things, but it will also encourage your viewers/customers to come back for more.

If you are focusing heavily on video content, use your daily or weekly videos to launch new and exciting products or services.

Incorporate CTAs and Customer Engagement


CTAs, or call to actions, are extremely effective in marketing and will help you stay relevant to clients. Incorporate CTAs in your advertisements, web content, videos, and social media posts. Do you want your viewers to check out your latest product on your website? Tell them in a video! Do you want your customers to try your service? Encourage them to do so via advertisements and content on your website.

Make Your Content Enjoyable to View

This is one of the most important marketing strategies that senior entrepreneurs should know and put into action. The content you create, whether that is on your website, on an advertisement, or in a video, should be enjoyable and informational. Your viewers should want to buy your product or service because of marketing. For example, if you are selling home decor, create attractive posts on your website and on social media to show off your products. Or, if you offer a service such as landscaping, post videos online of some of the completed jobs you and your team have worked on.

The more enjoyable your content is, the more inclined people will be to buy your product or use your service.

Become a Successful Entrepreneur No Matter Your Age

Your age does not dictate or determine how successful you will be. In fact, senior entrepreneurs may have an advantage over younger entrepreneurs as they have many more years of experience. If you are a senior entrepreneur that is looking for marketing tips to help your business thrive, use the tips mentioned above as a guide. Be sure to use digital and video marketing strategies to your advantage to make your business successful in the age of technology.

Guest post by Kelsey Simpson of Medford Leas

About the Author

Kelsey Simpson enjoys writing about things that can help others. She lives in South Jersey and is the proud companion to two German Shepherds and spends her free time volunteering in dog shelters.
